■ Akihiro Kubota 's comment
It seems that net.art of the post-activism era is returning to "algorithm" and "database" which are the origins of digital expressions.
Processing power of portable laptop computers exceeds the throughput
of former supercomputers.
The present-day internet became the biggest and the most familiar
database in dairy life.
The database is material, and the algorithm is interface.
We have to pay attention to the new quality which is produced from
the quantity and speed.
"onewordmovie <http://www.onewordmovie.com/>", the grand prize of
this year, is based on the minimalism of net.art.
Minimal interface, minimal functions, minimal documentations and
minimal site design...
The enormous picture archive on the net and high speed algorithm on
the machine start making the new digital movies.
My other recommended works are as follows.
- Confluence Project <http://www.confluence.org/>
- Template Cinema <http://www.templatecinema.com/>
- I Love You <http://iloveyou.38degres.net/marse05/>
- 50 people see... <http://www.flickr.com/photos/brevity/sets/164195/>