■ The "Project netarts.org 2008"
From 1995 to 2003, The Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts hosted the "Art on the Net" project promoting the Internet as a space for artistic expression. For nine years, this project had been calling on artists around the world to investigate the relationship between Art, the Internet and the Society.
After the years of the "Art on the Net," we launched a new exhibition called the "Project netarts.org". The Exhibition section of the project will feature recent developments in Internet Art and is open to all forms of creative expression that use the Internet as their primary medium.
This year, the artworks for the exhibition and the "netarts.org 2008 prize" was chosen by our Selection Committee, Mark Amerika, Suzan Hazan, Agnese Trocchi and You Minowa from the Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts. The theme this year is "The Ghost in the Machine."