"The prize is also great for me, beacause Ping Melody is concentred on internet and sound, and, as we known, most of net artists are using internet in graphical context. I not expected a that nice feedback, and thinked about my performance as first of all laboratory project.
I like thinking about my performance as work "under" internet, not "on" or "in". I'm trying to use old military core-infrastructure of internet and
reworked prototypes of software created on beginning for military purposes -
work on recycling old code and infrastructure is sometimes very hard, but I
like it more than using expensive actuall technologies - my work is also a
kind of technoculture sabotage. So, it's also very interesting for me to get
the feedback from high-tech oriented media art society, especially
Japanease. I steel feel like a "punk", who is doing something in oposition
to big, industry supported projects."
- Pawel Janicki |