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final votes and criticism by russell pensyl

  Most of what we get on the net is about the same level of interaction as what we get from the other zushztechnologies of radio and television. What we do not need is more crap being thrown at us without any ability to sort through and select the things that we need or want to see and hear. The potential of the Internet will be reached when content can be selected by the user and not shoved at us as just another mass marketing media.

The body of work done by this group is uneven in quality and effectiveness of communication. As can be expected from any group show the work will be all over the place and here is no exception. It seems several took work from other projects and submitted. Others did not read what the show was about at all and others the work is so obscure and arcane I could find little relationship the showy theme. I could not come up with seven piece total as my final inclusion list. I only came up with five.

What seems to lacking from most of the group as a whole is the real understanding of an interactive time based media can do. That is that time passes and our experience of an event changes and is affected by that passage of time. The most important thing I wish we could all take away from the experiences that the event itself is not the most important experience. Our memories will be clouded by the event for a long time to come. Some (fortunately not I) will be remembering the event or things surrounding the event and what they had to experience in the succeeding weeks for the rest of their lives through the missing of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends and colleagues for much longer than we will. I wonder how these people would respond to the work presented.

Votes for 911

Suk Ran Ren Fah
I like the stright forward presentation of the text. The artist/designer does not get caught up in trying make it artistic. It is not sweet, sour but a matter of fact presentation of and stream of events as experienced. For me the work is about the human experience and the communication among friends colleagues and/or aquaintances. It is not glorified, overstated or artified. I want to read this stuff.

Eryk Salvaggio
I like this piece a lot. I do not think it was necessary to add the statement at the front of the piece. It is good that he felt the audience might need a little context. However I do not think they do. The piece communicates pretty directly and requires no additional context. This piece (without the statement) is my zaest of Showzselection. It is strong and evocative. It has a seriousness about it that makes me want to pay attention to what is being said.

Kristen Palana
Simple, understated approach to presenting her experience of the occurrence. Kristen does allow any artifice to seep into the work. She presents her experience in a matter of fact straight forward approach that allows the viewer to see what she saw that day take away what they wish.

Fabian Giles.
This piece really make me interested in learning a little more about how this guy thinks. The inter-activity is really a zullztechnology which exemplifies for me the potential of interactive multimedia. The user is allowed to explore the piece and the derive their own assumptions of the emotional value of the succeeding images as they are pulled from his system. Fabian lets the user control the experience. The images are evocative without pretension, emotive without sentimentality. The use of color is local and appropriate. The text elements imbedded in the composition is used as primarily formal element and yet adds to the overall effect.

Eduardo Navasse
This piece is pretty strong and directly affects the emotional state of the viewer. He has succeeded in expressing the gravity of the situation without artifice or other extraneous visual elements. This is one of the best projects presented.

Other criticism of work i cannot include in my final selection:

Looks like a lot other student multi-media work that I have seen coming out of my classes taught both in Texas and New Jersey over the last 8 or so years. Lacks originality most of all. If this piece is a response to the event of 911 or the artists experience, the connection is so oblique to be virtually unrecognizable.

Andrey Velikanov
This section of this piece before the BBS is pretty good. But adding a spot for every jackass to add his opinion really doesny enhance the communicative effect in a significant way. Leaving a spot open for spammers to add links to pornsites and other crap detracts from the overall success of the piece and makes the project less than worthy of respect. I would have placed this piece among the top seven had the artist not added the BBS. One thing that is clear is that when there are so many voices all speaking at once any clarity of communication is lost. The sections at the head indicate the artist has some meaningful things to offer and that are worthy of an audience. I wish the artist had simply left it at that. And that would be enough to gain my attention and respect. The images speak volumes in of themselves.

Reginald Brooks
Too many images of varying degrees of filter dony add up to a concise and meaningful statement for me. Looks like photoshop filterism let go to ad-nauseum.

Marco Costa Brava
Pretentious booshit unrelated to the event or the experience

Zsigmond Hargitai
Aside from the interesting visual effect of the superimposition these images have little impact on me at all. Seems as though the artist is stuck in Neo-Surrealist methodology. They also lack a connection to the event or the experience of the event.

Antonio Mendosa
The splash screen juxtaposes several oddly conglomerated but obliquely related images. Then after that we are barraged with a bad piece of music and a plethora of pop-up windows that succeed in driving the user away from even being remotely interested in listening to whatever the zeuckzthe communication is. This piece does exactly what makes the web a zadz medium. Filling my screen with a bunch crap does not make me interested in what is being said. I want to change the channel as soon as possible. Perhaps some will appreciate the zrreverencezand zn your face,zzife is shit so you might as well eat itzattitude displayed but lety hope they are the minority. If anything can be called art, this piece demonstrates that beauty and in this case zffective communicationzare truly in the eye of the beholder.

Anna Ursyn
I actually like these paintings a lot. They have a seriousness and level of competency that really indicates the artist is working at a mature level. But the relationship to the event and the experience of the event eludes me.

Interactive poetry controlled by the unknown users {interesting idea. But doesny this create exactly what is connoted in the artists zoniker?zWe have seen that art by committee has been practiced by the likes of warhol, rusche and others since the early seventies. What is new? That anybody that wants can add their two cents?

Ali Mirahbi
Irony in the service of making the statement that zar is bad.zI clicked one of the ampersands before the map was drawn and zilled 100 in Tehran.zThis piece actually might be more successful and make his statement more poignant if the location you were killing in was left undecided till after you click. Then you might find that in service of your ideal you actually killed you own loved ones. To simply use reverse psychology to make the point that killing others is bad is little simplistic. War can be good. Of course you have to believe that what you are doing is right and what your enemy is doing is not. But most of us will agree that when North Vietnam invaded Cambodia, the evil being perpetrated by Pol Pot and Kmer Rouge was more evil than the death and destruction North Vietnam used to stop the madness. If it is not apparent that killing a whole bunch of Germans and Italians and Japanese to stop the advance of fascism and nazism, I suggest the artist go read the Bhagavad-Gita.

Mark Schmitz
Effects and a clich^p dony add up to a whole lot for me.

Paul Biedrzycki
This piece just confuses me. The programmer probably is extremely intelligent. But his piece would require a tremendous amount of explanation to allow the user to understand what it is he is attempting to convey. I cannot see what this has to do with the event or the experience of the event.

Yousef Tabti
What the hell was that anyhow?

Olga Kisseleva
Page not found

Luigia Cardarelli
Unfortunately the second link in her javascript was suspended

Kenji Kojima
I wish the artist had showed what the traffic sign signified rather than the sign itself. My relatives and friends asked me how the event impacted me. I had to say that the largest impact aside the emotional trauma was the traffic jam I sat in for 14 hours trying to get home that afternoon, evening and night. His sign continually moves forward which would indicated the viewer was actually able to go someplace. But the fact is that everyone in the northern new jersey and in lower NY state sat still in our cars on the freeway and just got to remember the events we watched from our windows or on our televisions.

Chriatian Lutz
Who needs flash? The person who did this piece, that is who! I suggest the artist go back and read David Siegely zbreating Killer Websites.zThere, Siegel explains the stay or bale moment, that small amount of time that the viewer is willing to wait for something meaningful to occur on a site before they click and go on to the next link. Truthfully, after clicking through the click again link fifteen times and having it reload a small change in position and seeing absolutely nothing meaning being communicated, I have completely lost interest.

Eric Dymond
What the hell was that?

Carlo Zanni aka Beta
Pretentious booshit. OK! the image of the buildings are not there either. Why is there a banner on top for some online casino? What does that do to further the idea? Absolutely nothing. Well I guess when you have such a thin idea you cannot really do much to make it even thinner.

Sheila Ernst-Bifano
The sentiment expressed in this piece really gets at the heart of the matter, doesny? lots of children came home to empty rooms and no-one there to meet them. If the children do not make you stop and think about whether we are making the right decisions I am not sure what will. The music choice is unfortunate. It over sentimentalizes the work. The type treatment is weak. I wish the artist had asked a graphic designer to suggest some type choices that might be a little more appropriate and enhance the level of communication. I think this piece would be significantly better if it were silent and let the image simply speak for themselves. The text might be better if simply treated as we would if we were doing a traditional book. That key next to the colon/semi-colon is not an apostrophe, it is a short hand symbol for the length, foot. This kind of lack of consideration for the way type itself can communicate indicates a lack of basic communication design skills.

Trang Chung
This person did not read the submission to learn what this show was about.

Gregory Chatonsky
The design on this piece is really pretty good. The type treatment is good and the form analyisi indicates level of training in design that is quite high. The use of color in contemporaneous and sophisticated. It really is beautiful. However it really does not communicate anything except in an oblique way that is connected to or related to the event. Perhaps the artist should have defined relat.i.on.ship and connect.i.on. I like this piece a lot simply for the visual construction and the inter-activity. But cannot include as it is too obscure as to what we are supposed to feel or how we are supposed to respond. If we are not supposed to respond then the piece for this show is just an intellectual curiosity. I like intellectual games and metaphorically constructed imagery a lot and believe these can be used to further the viewery experience both from a theoretically point of view and from a formal pictorial structural view as well. But the communication that is afforded must be relevant to the conversation at hand.

Horit Herman Pelad
While interesting, this piece is not really related to the events at hand. Yes, the extreme fundamentalists want to link directly their hatred of the US to the political and strategic relationship between the US and Israel. And Israel wants to link directly what happened here to the attacks on Israeli civilians have suffered for the last fifty years. To me both a fallacious arguments. And anyone with a heart will recognize the Palestinians have suffered tremendously from this war that has dragged on and on and on. If either the Israelis and Palestinians wanted to live in peace they would just go ahead and do so. While Ms. Peled goals are laudable, I am not sure this is the right venue. Plus, I really cannot accept political art, regardless of the worthiness of the cause, as art at all. It really is just graphic design, public relations or advertising.

Agricola de Cologne
Three parts? What three parts? Did something go wrong in the creation of the site? Or do these three uses of the same symbols constitute three parts. I am confused as to what is I am looking at. What do the symbols signify? What the is this supposed to cause me do to do?

Marina Zerbarinni
This piece is really good except the little block of copy down on the right. The copy is not necessary. Once again I dislike pop-up windows. I like the visual construction of this piece a lot. I do think that all of the imagery could be integrated into one window. What seems to be affecting many of the artist is that they think that a single window cannot be partitioned in to separate areas or the these partitioning can occur over time. Everything does not require a new window and brand new experience for the viewer. Just because you can do something technically does not mean that you should. The message or narrative, linear or non-linear should drive the technology. Technology should never drive the message, unless the message is the technology itself. I am certain that the artist in this case is not discussing the technology, however oblique and fuzzy the message is. Not withstanding this criticism this is a pretty good piece.

Jurgen Trautwein
This piece is pretty good. We can see a response from the artist in it. I getting the impression that he did actually feel something that day and allowed that to come through in the sketches. I think the sketches on paper by themselves are probably better than the flash. But he still is able to create an evocative, expressive piece.

Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca
Bad type. That key next to the colon/semicolon is a foot mark not an apostrophe. These images are knee jerk reactions to a occurrence that has had a great deal of impact on a lot of people. The attempt at the use of clich^p copy over these images is almost insulting in the light of 3000 lost peopley families that will remember their loss everyday for the rest of their lives. I am not saying that the artist should not do the work. Everyone is free to say what ever the hell they wish, in my opinion. Just that he should recognize that the work he is doing is a superficial pastiche of bad copy with images that might actually be able to communicate something on their own. The addition of the copy does not change, mitigate, alter or otherwise cause these images to communicate something meaningful. Nor does the use of the images with the copy make the content of the copy more evocative, communicative or meaningful. The two are mutually exclusive and cancel one another out. This leaves the viewer without anything worth paying attention to.

Kazuyo Okudaira
Yuck! Front page is really ugly.

Mirta Zaliauakas
This person did not read the submission as to what the show was about.

T. Scarpino
HmmmsM Some body else had this same idea. But Mr. Scarpino does adds a line of text to give us at least an inkling of the emotional impact the occurrence has had on him. But two people not connected coming with virtually the same idea visually just goes to show that there really is synchronicity in popular culture.

Monica Moscovich
It is a nice painting. But, there were a whole bunch of people that ran into the fray to save others lives. They placed their lives in danger for the sake of the others.

David Golumbia
Tw447ysbbdhhfhnnS: If the work needs that much explanation before we look at it something must be missing from the work itself. Then, inside the work is more incomprehensible theory explained some more. When the explanation of the work is more important than the work itself , one might as well just use the explanation and discard the work altogether. Unless one has the kind of ability as the writer, Borges, where the description of the larger work is as evocative as actually writing the actual novel, the viewer is left with a sense of being cheated out of the experience. I actually like this piece a lot, but Mr. Golumbia is not working at the level that I would hope to see from someone of his obvious intelligence and acumen.

The second piece he presents leaves me asking, zhese are a lot of pretty photos but, so what?z

Phillip Wood.
Man, I cannot stand that piece of music. The text streaming across the screen is irrelevant to the words being written. How does moving a piece of text increase the meaning that the words convey? In this case it does nothing to increase the level of communication. Just because one can move something, it does not necessarily follow that one should move it.

Antoine Schmidt
Contrary to his description, the piece is neither instantaneous nor autonomous. This piece might work as a projection piece but would be better if it was left to the viewer to puzzle out what ever meaning can be derived, if any.

Wernfried Lackner
The images, I guess, are those that are collect from who chooses to upload to his site. Is the audio collected in the same way. To me this seems like the artist has relinquished control of his voice and given it over to group consciousness. The images together are pretty expressive and are in a tone that lend them selves to an interpretation that leads the viewer to the understand of how gruesome the event was.

Reynald Drouhin
This first section of this piece is really beautiful. I think I get the point of the webcams and that we just carry on without thinking and then something happens. But what happens in this case is the momentous and memorable. I think Mr. Drouhin is just too damn smart and consequently the work is a little too arcane to communicate to a broad audience. Frankly, I dony have the patience necessary to wade through the entire piece.

Michiel Knaven
This person did not read what the show was about.

Judith Villamayor
Oh shit! I opened this darn thing again. I guess she has captured the terror of the event but do I really want to experience it again in that fashion? O.K. she succeeded in her goal, to cause me to have an emotional reaction to the work. I have an emotional reaction when I step in a pile of dog shit as well. But I really would prefer not stepping in it.

Aniko Gulyaz
The photoshop filter in the images is really unnecessary. The image of the skyline by itself is all that needs to be there. When the artist/designer begins to think that communication can be enhanced by adding some cheap trick I begin to suspect the work as a whole and whether the artist/designer has thought through what they are trying to say and who they are talking to. In this case it indicates to me that the images were without any attributes that allowed the emotional communication that the artist/designer is after. The filter does not add any additional attributes in any way that increases the evocative or emotional qualities that we are supposed to take away from the piece.

Domingo Hernandez
War is hell isny it? Unfortunately the artisty way of providing this information does not even have the depth of a badly produced Hallmark card. Perhaps the artist should go a take a good look at what Hallmark does. The artists and designers at Hallmark are some of the most intelligent and sophisticated designers in the world. They can take the most simplistic and clich^p crap and really turn it into something that can be extremely evocative and communicative, and the stuff they do resonates with such a huge segment of the population on a personal and almost instinctive manner. This arist's piece does not, in my opinion.

Megan Jacobs
I like this piece a lot. But the relationship to the event and the experience of the event is very oblique. I think this artist should pursue the field of artisty books. The use of image and text has an intimate immediacy and a personally connectedness that poetry affords as a medium. But this piece is not really related to what the show is about.

Gabriel Otero
The choice of the audio tracks is unfortunate. One wonders whether Mr. Otero is taking the work seriously. Although he able to effectively communicate his intentions those intentions are somewhat shallow.

Mark Daggett
This person did not read the submission guidelines at all.

Sakana Sana
Technical proficiency is extremely high but what is really being communicated? Is it just that we can click on some stuff and other stuff happens? I am finding little that actually resonates with an emotional experience that might have been affected by the event or the experience of the event. The piece demonstrates really good flash geek shit but this is what happens when you have someone who is too damn intelligent for the rest us. What is said is so arcane that is has little impact because the dumbasses like myself just cany seem to make a connection.

Maya Kolagero
More pop up crap taking control of my machine. The exact kind of thing that I think is wrong with Internet technology. I had the shut damn computer down to get control of my system again. Isny this kind of thing what the Taliban were attempting to do in Afghanistan? Taking complete control. Perhaps the artist is attempting to make a statement that taking control of everything is not a good thing. Thanks a lot, Maya!

Blazenko Karezin
Empty screen.

Michael Mastrototara
I think that the influence of advertising on art has not been a very beneficial effect to the quality of the work as a whole or to the communication being afforded. In this case the artist/designer appears to have surrendered to a small irony in the copy. But for me the depth of this communication is rather shallow.

Maurice Benayoun
Page not found

Max Herman
Page not found

Laurie Halsey Brown
O.K. art has no meaning. I am not sure this piece develops ity own meaning either.

Igor Ulanovksy
Cannot support this.

Jody Zellen
I like the collage of photo imagery in this lot in the splash screen. The color sense is pretty good. The relationship of the imagery and style in the second flash (animation?) is not firmly developed. There is too much of a shift in style and what is being communicated to think of the two as one piece. Frankly I cannot grasp what those figures moving horizontally signify. The type usage is competent.

Franck Ancel
I would include this in a show titled, z`mbiguous Obsurities.zI like the piece, but, the message is extremely arcane if there is a message at all.

Clement Thomas
An unfortunate choice in audio track. Well, we have really proved that anything can be called art. And we should take that art at face value. Now the question we must ask is, zvhat value does the work have?zFor me there is little value here at all.

Warren Richard Furman
Too arty!

Colleen Corradi
I like the illustration a lot. I can see this being used in conjunction with a article or other text based piece on terrorism.

Brooke Knight
I really dislike pop-up windows. And since I have a pop-up filter on my browser I was just getting a lot of alarm noises till I turned the filter off. In terms of content, Mr. Knight has done the most unique piece in the show.

David Crawford
I refuse to review this piece as it is obvious that it is a large group effort.

Ansgard Thomas
I like the painting a lot.

Doron Golan
What the hell was that?

Maria Tjader-Knight
I find this piece very beautiful but am having a hard time making the connection to the show's theme.

Bulent Bas
Everything is purged from my consideration of this.

Andreas Troeger
I need more than pop music.

Sunday, October 20th, 2002 at 11:36

Re^1: final votes and criticism by dymond

  well, I'm guessing you don't have agreat deal of interest in pop history, and well I also imagine you didn't let the movie play out but, the number of Elvis sightings has dropped dramatically since 911, something in pop culture ended as well that day.

Monday, October 21st, 2002 at 10:56

what the hell was that by dymond

  well, I'm guessing you don't have agreat deal of interest in pop history, and well I also imagine you didn't let the movie play out but, the number of Elvis sightings has dropped dramatically since 911, something in pop culture ended that day.

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002 at 08:32

Re^1: what the hell was that by russell ( )

  you are right, i am not all that interested in pop culture, especially that which comes from the supermarket tabliods and celebrity watching tv shows.

i think you should not be so pessimistic about the end of pop culture though. i am sure that our interest in meaningless trivia has just taken a short holiday. in due time we will return to our hypnogogic trance with pop culture and media. after all, we really don't want to think, do we?

it appears i did not recognize your piece as a critique on pop culture.

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002 at 17:09

Re^1: final votes and criticism by Fabian Giles ( )

  Dear Russell:
Thanks for your comments about my project.
I feel so fine to know a different opinion of one
of my first net.art works and participations in an international event..
I agree with you about the interactivy and the exploration
from the user's device and the fact to let it be the guide and controller
during a visual experience on a multimedia or net.art work.
I hope we could discuss more about our opinions and projects
in future messages.
With my best regards.

Monday, October 21st, 2002 at 00:55

Re^1: by ali miharbi ( )

  russel, would you kill me if you thought i'm "evil"?

>Ali Mirahbi
>[...]War can be good. Of course you have to believe that what you are doing is right and what your enemy is doing is not. But most of us will agree that when North Vietnam invaded Cambodia, the evil being perpetrated by Pol Pot and Kmer Rouge was more evil than the death and destruction North Vietnam used to stop the madness. If it is not apparent that killing a whole bunch of Germans and Italians and Japanese to stop the advance of fascism and nazism, I suggest the artist go read the Bhagavad-Gita.

Sunday, October 20th, 2002 at 18:34

Re^2: by Ansgard Thomson ( )

  If you had asked me that question I would try to convince you
that evil is in all of us ,but we hardly see it in ourselves .
I do hope you can change your submission of the world map
to surprise all with the different message ,when clicking on the
places on the map instead of killing 100 enemies ...........
Think about it ................


Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002 at 16:34

Re^3: by russell ( )

  I thought is was evident from my post that evil is in the heart of the beholder. i am not confident that evil can be eliminated. to do that we would have to rip out the heart of humankind. i just don't think that these discussions allow us to easily determine what is good or bad. there is a context under which each decision we make may be evaluated. this requires that we are able to look at it from a larger perspective.

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002 at 17:00

Re^3: by ali ( )

  ok.. looks like i need to write more..for ansgard thomson and russel pensyl..

art can point out to social or political issues, but does not have the purpose of seeking solutions for them (then it would be called political science or the corresponding social science, wouldn't it?). there were several reasons i didnt agree with russel pensyl's critique and they are mostly related to the fact i mentioned.

his critique about the war situations is actually something to be criticized. he looked at the issue from a politicians point of view. (this was irrelevant because my purpose is not doing politics but art). that's why i replied with a personal and perhaps weird question. i wanted to show that the situation has a humane aspect as well. the fact that we cant find better political solutions for certain issues dont make the solution ethically correct. sometimes, it's not only the politicians that ignore this part, but also ourselves.

i didnt agree with his opinion that 'war can be good'. maybe what russel meant was more like 'war can be a good political solution'. he also completely ignored the citizens of a country that are _forced to_ fight a war. i dont understand how someone can tell its ok to kill those people if their dictator-leader had done something wrong. just saying 'only a certain group of people is guilty', is oversimplifying it. maybe we are all guilty.. maybe not.. just saying 'killing a small number of innocent people to save more of them is ok', is oversimplifying, too.. (the same motivation is sometimes used by terrorists, according to their oversimplified value judgements) again, i dont have an alternative solution for a situation like this and i dont have to; this isnt my purpose. not only my piece, but also the situation itself is ironic.

to me, no killing is different than another and 1+1=2, it never cancels out.

now in reply to ansgard thomson..in my previous posting i wrote the word evil in quotes because the way russel pensyl used it, sounds too poetic (or maybe just too emotional) for an art critique..so, the question was not what evil means. now, after having a reading recommendation (which was in fact read by the artist a few years ago and did not change his mind ) by russel pensyl, i have another suggestion by ansgard thomson..no, thanks ansgard, what i'm doing is not about children's education either.. i have nothing against it but that's not what i'm doing right now..


Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002 at 20:41

Re^4: by russell

  please dont think that i am for war. i am not. but when you house is invaded and you and your family are in peril, it is justifiable to eliominate the threat. this is not a policitians view. i am in fact apolitical. several years i was working on a artists book that took the theme of nonviolence as the premise. i was in the final stages of printing the the book and my home was invaded and my partber and i were attacked. i found myself responding with enough violence to thwart the attack and get the intruder out of my house. this event caused me to rethink most of what i was considering in terms of the use of violence. while i don't support just getting into fights and hurting others wiothout provocation, i recognize that violence in defense of one's self and one's family is entirely justified. and then is cannot be decribed as good or bad. this lead one to some really gray areas of our human experience. when is is good to resort to violence? human circumstances require a little deeper thought. that is what is wished you would understand.

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002 at 16:42

Re^5: by sakana sato ( )

  I will quote sentences here, because these seem not to be translated into English but Japanese.


1) we don't want war.
2) but, they want it.
3) the leader of opponent is evil.
4) we fight for great missions, not for territory or hegemony.
5) we might make a sacrifice accidentally, but they do intentionally.
6) they use dirty arms and strategies.
7) our damage is small, but theirs is big.
8) artists and intellectuals support this war.
9) our cause is holy.
10) Someone who doubts this justice is a betrayer

(""Principes elementaires de propagande de guerre",2001,Anne Morelli)

In this process, the group of people is abstractionized as one "evil" with the brain-dead simplicity and hate is endlessly reproduced with this propaganda in both sides. Russell, In the ultimate sense, it's like your peace is completed when everyone except you is vanished, and now you totally missed Ali's point.

sakana sato

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002 at 22:37

Re^5: by Judith Villamayor ( )

  la investigaci^n ( ref 9.11) nunca pudo encontrar ni un pedacito de avi^n en el pent^gono, y el atentado pareciera que lo hicieron los mismos que se rasgan las vestiduras:USA, contra quien har^s la guerra?, que guerra? aqu^ en el tercer mundo siempre entran los marines o sus multinacionales y nos pisan a todos y manejan nuestras leyes. y ni siquiera podemos decir nada.... saludos.judith. por suerte internet no anda con banderas...

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002 at 16:56

Re^6: by eduardo for Judith

  Judith wrote:

> la investigaci^n ( ref 9.11) nunca pudo encontrar ni un pedacito de avi^n en el pent^gono, y el atentado pareciera que lo hicieron los mismos que se rasgan las vestiduras:USA, contra quien har^s la guerra?, que guerra? aqu^ en el tercer mundo siempre entran los marines o sus multinacionales y nos pisan a todos y manejan nuestras leyes. y ni siquiera podemos decir nada.... saludos.judith. por suerte internet no anda con banderas...


The investigation(ref 9.11) could never find a piece of airplane in the Pentagon, and the attempt seemed to be performed by those scratching their own clothing: USA, against whom will you fight a war? What war? Here in the thirds world the Marines or their multinational counterparts, always enter stepping all over us manipulating our laws. And, never, can we say anything... Greetings.
Luckily, the internet does not wave flags.

Thursday, October 24th, 2002 at 11:24

Re^4: by Ansgard Thomson

congratulation as far as I understand you won with your net art.
it offended me at first ,but at the same time I paid more attention to it than to any other works ,so you have not failed to reach me ..............
yes Ali ,the irony is in it and it is not a political statement ,but gives
us the absurdity of war ......
my best wishes for your future artwork


Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002 at 01:44

Re^1: final votes and criticism by Ansgard Thomson


Sunday, October 20th, 2002 at 13:34

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