"Farah - in search of joy"
The on line-on site project "Farah - in search of joy" documents the experiences of an artist travelling through Palestine in the late summer of 2002. "Farah - in search of joy" is looking for stories and parts of Palestian popular culture which still remain untouched by the war and the ongoing conflicts.
"It's the search for joy which interests us. The search for a resistance which gets organized in thousands of forms, the search for the human feeling that your own past and destiny has nothing to do with the present condamination; it's the search for peace within the imagination of a population, carefully ignoring a nightmare lasting half a century, an attempt to recognize the millenial Palestine in the untouchable dreams of its children..." (Jaromil)
In the end of 2003 a second journey in the framework of "Farah - in search of joy" and a radioversion of the project are planned. (Elisabeth Zimmermann)